Regional sessions of practical consulting (RSPC). Baku, Azerbaijan
Regional sessions of practical consulting (RSPC) — is the RVC programme aimed at creating innovational ecosystem in the regions and development regional entrepreneurship development in high-tech industry. Educational intensives enable entrepreneurs to obtain necessary information for the project development and further commercialization.
Project mission
Creating a system of events that combine educational and consulting activities which are vital for the successful operation and development of the different categories of infrastructure participants. Regional infrastructure integration (regional venture funds, Regional Centers for Innovation, clusters, industrial parks, business incubators, engineering centers) into an integral regional innovational ecosystem.
Target audience:
- CEOs and deputy CEOs of small and medium-sized (innovative) enterprises;
- Potential and practicing innovative managers;
- Venture funds, business angels communities, regional innovation centers;
- Innovative regional clusters, industrial parks, business incubators;
- Universities, research institutes, engineering centers;
- Government institutions and organizations.
Programme Benefits
For the partner:
- Interaction with federal development institutions;
- Connecting to a federal acceleration programmes.
For participants:
- Workshops
- Working with entrepreneurs and investors;
- Team building and personal growth
- Individual expert consultation;
- Certificates for passing PCRS.

Date and venue
Date: April, 16, 2017
Venue: SUP Accelerator
Address: Ahmad Rajabli 153, ATL Group, 1st floor, Baku, Azerbaijan.
The event programme
9.00 – 9.30 Registration of PCRS participants Getting GenerationS promotional products and PCRS guidance papers.
9.30 – 9.45 Welcome speech. Introductory presentation and PCRS programme presentation
- Greetings from the JSC RVC representatives, Contractor, regional partners.
- Informing about RCRS programme, rules and procedures. Opportunities and practical steps that participants will be able to take during PCRS for their innovative projects development.
- JSC RVC and GenerationS presentation.
- Questions and answers.
9.45 – 11.15 Workshop «Fundamentals of business process modeling» (with practical cases analyzed)
From the workshop participants of the programme will learn about key principles of building a scalable business:
- teambuilding;;
- verification of ideas;
- market evaluation;
- business models construction;
- work with potential clients;
- hypothesis testing;
- features of the project presentations to investors.
PCRS experts will look into several case studies from the audience
11.15 – 11.30 Coffee break, networking, individual consultations, questions and answers. Demonstration of GenerationS promotional video.
11.30 – 13.00 Master class «Public speaking: the art of presentation»
The main objectives of the master class are to bust two myths: «public speaking is an inborn talent » and «experienced speakers never worry.»
During the master class PCRS participants will practice to master professional speaker basic tools (posture, gestures, gaze, voice), learn to overcome the excitement of the audience, find out what the selling presentation is and study the uncomfortable questions responding technique. In addition, participants will learn methods and techniques of self-developing public speaking skill.
13.00 – 13.30 Workshop «Presentation on presentations»
The workshop is dedicated to the project presentation creation. The experts together with participants will look into the audience presentations: the short (30 seconds duration, elevator pitch) and detailed ones (7 minutes). The best creative presentation practices will be examined, much detail will be given to the individual units of SUCCESS model presentation.
At the end of the workshop a tracking plan will be compiled for the preparation and finalization of presentations for their further participation in GenerationS and Open Innovations Startup Tour events.
13.30 – 14.30 Lunch (free time), networking, individual consultations, questions and answers.
14.30 – 17.00 Practice, working in small groups (analysis of PCRS participants’ cases). Сommunication of experience and individual consultations.
During the practice part, participants together with the programme mentors will analyze the business model and financial plans of the projects submitted, learn to prepare documents and present the project to the investor/industrial partner and to protect intellectual property as well. The programme experts will give practical tips on registration of projects for GenerationS and Open Innovations Startup Tour.
17.00 – 17.15 Coffee break, networking, individual consultations, questions and answers
17.15 – 19.00 Exchange of experience and individual consultations in small groups
19.00 – 19.20 Description of project tracking mechanism to regional Open Innovations Startup Tour. Feedback questionnaires. Issuing PCRS participant certificates.
Bring the laptop and the latest version of the presentation for its completion, as well as identity proof (passport, driving license, etc.).
Startups participating in OIST should prepare their presentations according to this template .
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Sergey Bogdanov Entrepreneur StartupSamara founder — first and one of the most successful regional accelerators. Since 2014 the company held 10 acceleration programmes, worked with more than 1,000 applicants, attracted about 600 million rubles in startups’ development. Extensive contacts in innovation ecosystem in Russia and worldwide. |
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Arkady Seleznev Entrepreneur Worked as a top-manager in a major international company GS Group. The founder of IT-company Cododrome (Lithuania), among customers are: Gismeteo, Avon, Oriflame, Vichi, Gorenie, WBD. Experience in acceleration programmes organization and conduct, including management of the most technologically sophisticated tracks of GenerationS, the largest accelerator in Russia and Eastern Europe (AeroSpace — 2015, TechNet — 2016). Together with Sergey Bogdanov he was the first director of the Samara branch of Founder Institute (the world’s largest training programme for technology entrepreneurs). |
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Najaf Allahverdiev Public speaking coach Business Coach, head of Carnegie Club, leading trainer of the University of Rhetoric and Oratory (Moscow). Teacher of the «Medical knowledge» department at the «Хazar» University. Teacher at the Western University. |
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Mikhail Kudinov Entrepreneur Commercial director and co-founder of VeeRoute, ex-director of the business incubator of the ITMO University. Founder of the startup laboratory SumIT. Since 2005, has started and participated in the launch of various projects, including: Thin Technologies LLC — the official dealer in Russia and CIS countries of one of the world leaders in the production of thin clients; Esprito LLC — a company which held more than 20 international scientific conferences; Esprito Conf — service for conferences; Breadberry — a network of mini-bakeries; Pancake house — restaurant of Russian cuisine. |
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Imran Baghirov Expert in Business Development
13+ years in deep expertise in IT, Strategy, Business Development, Innovation and Customer Experience Management. 10+ years are fully dedicated to Telecommunications and Consultancy. Total of 1.5 years of International job experience from which 1 year in Nepal, 3 months in Sweden and 3 months in Turkey. Run more than 150+ local business projects and 5+ cross-border/multi-company projects. Latest international project is Analytical Competence Building project, run in 8 countries and consisting of 30+ team members in different countries.
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Jeyhun Atayev Expert in Business Development
More than 11 years of solid work experience in Communications (Business to Business, Business to Government, Business to Consumer, Business to Community, Internal communications, web communications), journalism (including new media), project management and administration, — worked mainly for multinational companies and international organizations. Has wide professional network connections in the field of commercial, business and social development. Areas of experience and expertise: public relations and affairs, corporate communications, sustainable business development and project management.
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Jamal Hasanov Expert
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Computer Science at ADA University. Expert in New Technologies, Project & Partnership Management, Engineering Management, Production & Operations Management.
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Ekaterina Petrova Deputy Director of the Department for the Development of the Innovative Ecosystem at RVC
Head of Innovation Services Development Department at RVC. Curator of the educational program «Regional sessions of practical consulting.» Works on strategic planning and carrying of GenerationS.
Organizer: RVC
RVC — is the Russian government’s fund of funds and the development institute of the Russian Federation, one of country’s key tools to create and expand the national innovation system. The company has a wide range of programs to develop Russia’s venture investment market establish educational and organizational services for market players, as well as increase the ability of Russian technology companies to compete in the global marketplace. RVC’s main objectives are to promote Russia’s venture investment industry, and to take on the role as the project office for the National Technology Initiative (NTI).
Operator: YellowRockets
YellowRockets – is a team that helps ambitious talented people to realize ideas by creating positive environment for entrepreneurship. We collect and distribute information on all kinds of measures in favour of young scientists and aspiring entrepreneurs, organize and hold educational activities (formal and informal meetings with cool and useful people, business clubs, startup weekends,hackathons),we create our own acceleration programme for the first steps in starting a business, we conduct corporate accelerators.
Partner: GenerationS
GenerationS — the largest start-up accelerator in Russia and Eastern Europe, the federal platform for the development of corporate acceleration tools. It has been held by RVC since 2013. More than 20 Russian companies, in whose interests the selection and acceleration of startups is carried out, become every year Industrial partners of GenerationS. As a result of the multi-stage examination, the GenerationS participants receive ample opportunities for business development and investment promotion, and get access to resources and infrastructure of accelerator partners. In 2016 4,237 applications from 30 countries were submitted to participate in GenerationS. The GenerationS-2016 prize fund will amount to 15 million rubles, the total value of prizes from partners will exceed 100 million rubles.
Co-organizer: Open Innovations Startup Tour
Open Innovations Startup Tour (OIST) — large-scale project for searching promising technological developments and development of aspiring startup teams’ competencies. The project was initiated by Skolkovo fund and JSC RVC and supported by the leading development institutions and approved by the Russian government.






Regional partner

Informational partner

Informational partner
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